Ted is writing things

On privacy, research, and privacy research.

A list of real-world uses of differential privacy

— updated

This post is part of a series on differential privacy. Check out the table of contents to see the other articles!

This article is a list of real-world deployments of differential privacy, along with their privacy parameters. One day, we might have a proper Epsilon Registry, but in the meantime…

First, some notes.

  • The main list only includes projects with a publicly documented value of the privacy parameters, including about what the privacy unit is. Projects that don't publish this information, but mention using DP, are listed at the end.
  • All use cases use central DP unless specified otherwise.
  • The list is sorted by alphabetical order of the organization publishing the data.
  • When a project uses open-source differential privacy tooling, I added a link to it.
  • I also added some caveats and general comments at the end of this post.

If you'd like to add or correct something, please let me know! My contact info is at the bottom of this page.


An architecture diagram taken from Apple's differential privacy paper

Apple uses local DP to collect some data from end-user devices running iOS or macOS. The process is documented in a high-level overview document and a detailed paper. All use \(\varepsilon\)-DP, the values of the privacy parameter are described below, with a privacy unit of user-day.

  • QuickType suggestions learns previously-unknown words typed by sufficiently many users, using \(\varepsilon=16\).
  • Emoji suggestions calculates which emojis are most popular among users, using \(\varepsilon=4\).
  • Lookup hints collects data on actions taken from iOS Search suggestions. (I think. It's not very explicit.) It uses \(\varepsilon=8\).
  • Health Type Usage estimates which health types are most used in the HealthKit app, using \(\varepsilon=2\).
  • Safari Energy Draining Domains and Safari Crashing Domains collect data on web domains: which domains are most likely to cause high energy consumption or crashes, respectively. Both features use a common budget of \(\varepsilon=8\).
  • Safari Autoplay Intent Detection collects data about websites that auto-play videos with sound: in which of these domains are users most likely to mute vs. keep playing the video? It uses \(\varepsilon=16\).

The documented privacy unit is each data collection event. The devices send a limited number of such events per day: I translated all guarantees to use a privacy unit of user-day. Apple also does some de-identification and shuffling (see in Section 3.2.2 of the paper). Taking this into account would presumably lead to tighter central DP guarantees.


Full URLs Data Set

The Full URLs Data Set provides data on user interactions with web pages shared on Facebok. The privacy unit is each individual action: this can be e.g. "Alice shared URL foo.com", or "Bob viewed a post containing URL bar.org". For each type of action, the privacy parameter is chosen to protect 99% of users with \((\varepsilon,\delta)\)-DP, for \(\varepsilon=0.41\) and \(\delta=10^{-5}\). Across all metrics, 96.6% of users are protected with \((\varepsilon,\delta)\)-DP with \(\varepsilon=1.69\) and \(\delta=10^{-5}\).

Behind the scenes, this uses \(\rho\)-zero-concentrated DP, with \(\rho=0.0052\) for 99% users for each action type, and an overall \(\rho=0.0728\) for 96.6% of users. Note that the conversion to \((\varepsilon,\delta)\)-DP for the first \(\rho\) uses the converter from this page, but the second \(\varepsilon\) is obtained directly from the mechanism, and is thus smaller than if we used a conversion formula.

The paper refers to two additional DP operations:

  • URLs that have not been shared by enough users (according to a DP count) are discarded;
  • the algorithm also calculates the 99% percentile of each action in a DP way.

It does not quantify the privacy budget used for these two operations.

Movement Range Maps

An animated map of the "Stay Put" metric in Facebook's Movement Range Maps

The Movement Range Maps quantify the changes in mobility of Facebook users during the COVID-19 pandemic. There are two metrics: how much their users move during each day, and how many people are generally staying at home. Each metric uses a daily value \(\varepsilon=1\), so the overall privacy budget is \(\varepsilon=2\) with user-day as a privacy unit.

The blog post also mentions that regions with fewer than 300 users are omitted. This process doesn't appear to be done in a DP way.


Community Mobility Reports

Two graphs comparing time spent in residential vs. workspace places compared to a baseline

The Community Mobility Reports quantify changes in mobility patterns during the COVID-19 pandemic: how many people went to their workplace or to specific kinds of public places, and how long people spent at home. Each metric uses \(\varepsilon=0.44\) per day, and each user contributes to at most six metrics per day. Thus, the total privacy budget is \(\varepsilon=2.64\), with user-day as a privacy unit. The data was made differentially private using GoogleDP1.

The paper also mentions using more privacy budget used to update the way the metrics are computed. This additional budget isn't quantified exactly.

Environmental Insights Explorer

A screenshot of Environmental Insights Explorer.

Environmental Insights Explorer reports aggregate statistics about human mobility, sliced by mode of transportation. It uses \(\varepsilon\)-DP with \(\varepsilon=2\), with a privacy unit of user-week.

Gboard next-word prediction models

A diagram showing the epsilon budget for delta of 10 to the power of -10, depending on the language.

Google uses federated learning along with DP to build next-word prediction models for Gboard, a virtual keyboard application for Android. Each model uses \((\varepsilon,\delta)\)-DP with \(\delta=10^{-5}\) and \(\varepsilon\) varying between \(0.69\) and \(10.61\) depending on language. They were trained using TensorFlow Federated and TensorFlow Privacy.

The privacy guarantees are reported using \(\rho\)-zero-concentrated DP, with \(\rho\) varying between \(0.25\) and \(1.86\) for some models, and between \(0.014\) and \(0.15\) for more recent models. A past model specifically for Spanish used \(\rho=0.81\).

Gboard out-of-vocabulary word discovery

Google uses distributed DP to discover new words to add to vocabulary lists on Gboard, a virtual keyboard application for Android. They collect data using \(\varepsilon\)-DP with \(\varepsilon=10\) in the local model, which corresponds to a central \((\varepsilon,\delta)\)-DP guarantee of \(\varepsilon=0.32\) and \(\delta=10^{-10}\). The privacy unit is a single word; each user contributes at most 60 words in 60 days.

An animated visualization of searches for Fever in the US through 2020, using Google's Search Trends Symptoms Dataset

The Search Trends Symptoms Dataset measures the volume of Google searches related to a variety of symptoms. It uses \(\varepsilon=1.68\), with a user-day privacy unit; the release was generated using GoogleDP.


Google Shopping uses a differentially private count of product page views as a signal to priorize the crawling of pages. It uses \((\varepsilon,\delta)\)-DP with \(\varepsilon=1\) and \(\delta=10^{-9}\), with user-day as a privacy unit. The data is generated in a streaming fashion by a proprietary engine called DP-SQLP.

Google Trends uses differential privacy to select which gueries to proactively show on the website, e.g. as trending or related queries. It uses \((\varepsilon,\delta)\)-DP with \(\varepsilon=2\) and \(\delta=10^{-10}\), with user-query as a privacy unit. The data is generated in a streaming fashion using DP-SQLP.

Urban mobility data

Figure 1 from the paper linked below, showing visualizations of mobility and location hotspots in 7 large cities

Google shared mobility data with researchers, using DP to anonymize it. The resulting paper says that this data sharing scheme used \((\varepsilon,\delta)\)-DP with \(\varepsilon=0.66\) and \(\delta=2.1\cdot10^{-29}\). The privacy unit is whether a given user made a trip from one location to another location during one week; both locations being fixed areas of size \(\approx1.3\)km².

The privacy unit was not explicitly given in the original paper, which could have given the impression that the data release used a user-level privacy unit. Other researchers pointed this out, after which the original authors published a clarification making the privacy guarantees more explicit.

Vaccination Search Insights

The Vaccination Search Insights quantify trends in Google searches related to COVID-19 vaccination. It uses \((\varepsilon,\delta)\)-DP with \(\varepsilon=2.19\) and \(\delta=10^{-5}\), with user-day as a privacy unit; the data was generated using GoogleDP.

A later blog post suggests that the query classification mentioned as pre-processing in the technical paper is also done in a DP way. The privacy budget involved in this step is not public, and is not counted towards the reported guarantees. The code for this step is also part of GoogleDP.

Israel's Ministry of Health

Israel's Ministry of Health published a synthetic dataset of live births in 2014 in Israel (there is also an unofficial English version), using \(\varepsilon\)-DP with \(\varepsilon=9.98\), with singleton births (with a single baby) as the privacy unit. It used custom code which reused parts of OpenDP SmartNoise and Diffprivlib, patching some vulnerabilities along the way. The data release is documented in a thorough technical paper.


Audience Engagements API

An architecture diagram from LinkedIn's Audience Engagements API paper

The Audience Engagements API is the only interactive query system in this list. It allows marketers to get information about LinkedIn users engaging with their content. Each query returns \((\varepsilon,\delta)\)-DP with \(\varepsilon=0.15\) and \(\delta=10^{-10}\), with a user as a privacy unit. Each analyst can send multiple queries, but a monthly cap limits how many: the total \((\varepsilon,\delta)\) budget is \(\varepsilon=34.9\) and \(\delta=7\cdot10^{-9}\), with a privacy unit of user-month-analyst.

The system also implements additional measures to prevent averaging attacks: new data is loaded daily, and seeded noise is used so the same query on the same day will always return the same answer.

Labor Market Insights

The Labor Market Insights measure trends in people changing their occupation on LinkedIn. There are three types of reports.

  • Who is hiring? lists the companies who are hiring most. It uses \((\varepsilon,\delta)\)-DP to protect each hiring event (a LinkedIn user changing their occupation), with \(\varepsilon=14.4\) and \(\delta=1.2\cdot10^{-9}\).
  • What jobs are available? enumerates the job titles that most people are being hired for. It also uses \((\varepsilon,\delta)\)-DP to protect each hiring event, with \(\varepsilon=14.4\) and \(\delta=1.2\cdot10^{-9}\).
  • What skills are needed? lists the most popular skills for the jobs above. It protects each LinkedIn user's skills information during a single month with \(\varepsilon=0.3\) and \(\delta=3\cdot10^{-10}\).

This suggests a total \(\varepsilon=28.8\) and \(\delta=2.4\cdot10^{-9}\)-DP for hiring events, and \(\varepsilon=0.3\) and \(\delta=3\cdot10^{-10}\) for skill information during a single month. However, there are many subtleties involved in the above analysis. It's very possible to interpret the paper differently.

  1. The privacy parameters listed in the paper are three times smaller. However, each report covers 3 months of data, and reports are published monthly: a single hiring event will appear in three distinct reports.
  2. For What skills are needed?, each monthly report looks back at 5 years of data. So if skill data for a user doesn't change during a 5-year period, the total budget eventually reaches \(\varepsilon=6\) and \(\delta=6\cdot10^{-9}\).
  3. Adding the \(\varepsilon\) and \(\delta\) values together, like I did, is simple, but only give loose bounds on the overall privacy budget. We can probably find tighter bounds using advanced composition theorems or other methods for privacy accounting.
  4. The paper also indicates that 95% of people in the dataset have at most one hiring event in a 3-month period.
  5. The What skills are needed? report also uses a non-DP pre-processing step. This makes it technically impossible to provide an exact DP guarantee.

Race/ethnicity estimation

LinkedIn uses differential privacy as part of a system that estimates the race and ethnicity of users and help measure algorithmic bias of various AI features. It uses \(\varepsilon\)-DP with \(\varepsilon=4.5\), with a user as a privacy unit.


Global victim-perpetrator synthetic dataset

Microsoft collaborated with the International Organization for Migration to publish the Global Victim-Perpetrator Synthetic Dataset, which provides information about victims and perpetrators of trafficking. The release uses \((\varepsilon,\delta)\)-DP with \(\varepsilon=12\) and \(\delta=5.8\cdot10^{-6}\); the privacy unit is a victim in the original dataset. It uses custom code to generate the data.

Telemetry collection in Windows

Microsoft collects telemetry data in Windows. The process used to get information about how much time users spend using particular apps uses local DP, with \(\varepsilon=1.672\), and a privacy unit of user-6-hours.

U.S. Broadband Coverage Dataset

A map of the US where each postal code is colored according to the fraction of devices using broadband

The U.S. Broadband Coverage Dataset quantifies the percentage of users having access to high-speed Internet across the US. It uses \(\varepsilon\)-DP with \(\varepsilon=0.2\), the privacy unit is a user. The data was privatized using OpenDP SmartNoise.


A screenshot of a UI visualizing the impact of DP on queries returning average possible energy savings among a group

The Energy Differential Privacy project enables sharing of smart meter data. In one project, Recurve helped OhmConnect share data from their virtual power plant. This project uses \((\varepsilon,\delta)\)-DP with \(\varepsilon=4.72\) and \(\delta=5.06\cdot10^{-9}\), with user as a privacy unit. The project uses both custom open-source code and Google's open-source DP libraries.

The privacy parameters appearing in the technical paper are different. The accounting uses amplification by sampling, with a sampling factor of \(\eta=0.124\). However, the paper converts a pre-amplification \(\varepsilon_{orig}=6.8\) into \(\varepsilon=\eta\cdot\varepsilon_{orig}=0.843\). The correct formula is \(\varepsilon=\log\left(1+\mu\left(e^{\varepsilon_{orig}}-1\right)\right)\) (see Theorem 9 in summary of results), which gives \(\varepsilon=4.72\). The \(\delta\) listed above is also amplified (with \(\delta=\mu\delta_{orig}\)), the one reported in the paper is not.

Note that the amplification result assumes uniformly random sampling with replacement. But the paper also mentions a stratified sampling methodology, which is slightly different: it's unclear whether the amplification result still applies. If not, then the privacy parameters are \(\varepsilon=6.8\) and \(\delta=4.08\cdot10^{-8}\).

United States Census Bureau

County Business Patterns

The U.S. Census Bureau published demonstration tables for their County Business Patterns data product, providing information about business establishments in the US. It uses a variant of differential privacy that provides different guarantees to businesses depending on their size. For example, a business whose annual payroll is $100,000, whose first quarter payroll is $25,000, and who has 4 employees would be protected with \((\varepsilon,\delta)\)-DP with \(\varepsilon=34.92\) and \(\delta=10^{-5}\). The project was deployed in partnership with Tumult Labs, using Tumult Analytics.

The about page mentions the use of \(\rho\)-zero-concentrated DP with \(\rho=12.058\), which gives the \(\varepsilon\) and \(\delta\) above. A presentation provides more context on the privacy unit. The details of the underlying privacy variant, per-record zero-concentrated differential privacy, can be found in this paper

2020 Decennial Census

A screenshot from the 2020 Census Demographic Data Map Viewer

The 2020 Census is a series of data releases containing demographic information about the U.S. population. Each of them is protected with \((\varepsilon,\delta)\)-DP with \(\delta=10^{-5}\), and the privacy unit is a person in the dataset.

The privacy accounting is done with \(\rho\)-zero-concentrated DP. The privacy budgets used are \(\rho=2.63\) for the redistricting data, \(\rho=4.96\) for the DHCP, \(\rho=7.7\) for the DHCH, \(\rho=19.776\) for the Detailed DHC-A, \(\rho=17.79\) for the Detailed DHC-B, and \(\rho=2.515\) for the Supplemental DHC. Note that these all use the replace-one neighboring relation, which inflates the privacy budget compared to the releases using add-or-remove one record as a neighboring relation.

Post-Secondary Employment Outcomes

The Post-Secondary Employment Outcomes provide data about the earning and employment of college graduates. The technical documentation mentions two statistics using \(\varepsilon\)-DP with \(\varepsilon=1.5\), for a total privacy budget of \(\varepsilon=3\). The privacy unit is a person in the dataset, and the methods are described in detail in this paper.

Wikimedia Foundation

Page view statistics

The Wikimedia Foundation, helped by Tumult Labs, published statistics about how many distinct users visited each Wikipedia page on each day, from each country. The data publication also covers other Wikimedia projects, and is split in three parts.

  • Data from July 1st, 2015 to February 8th, 2017 is protected with \(\varepsilon\)-DP with \(\varepsilon=1\), the privacy unit being 300 page views per day.
  • Data from February 9th, 2017 to February 5th, 2023 is protected with \(\varepsilon\)-DP with \(\varepsilon=1\), the privacy unit being 30 page views per day.
  • Data from February 6th, 2023 onwards is protected with \((\varepsilon,\delta)\)-DP with \(\varepsilon=0.72\) and \(\delta=10^{-5}\), with a user-day privacy unit.

The data publication uses Tumult Analytics. A technical paper explains the why different privacy units and privacy budgets are used for different periods.

For the most recent data, the privacy accounting is done with \(\rho\)-zero-concentrated DP with a budget of \(\rho=0.015\).

Editor statistics

The Wikimedia Foundation, helped by Tumult Labs, publishes statistics about editor activity by project and country, on Wikipedia and other Wikimedia projects. The data publication happens at two separate time intervals.

  • Some data is published monthly, and uses \(\varepsilon\)-DP with \(\varepsilon=2\) and a privacy unit of editor-project-country-month.
  • Some data is published weekly, and also uses \(\varepsilon\)-DP with \(\varepsilon=2\) and a privacy unit of editor-project-country-week.
  • A one-off release for Russian editors used \(\varepsilon\)-DP with \(\varepsilon=0.1\) and a privacy unit of editor-project-country-month.

These datasets are generated using Tumult Analytics.

Other deployments

This list is almost certainly incomplete. Again, don't hesitate to reach out if you'd like me to add or correct something!

  • Apple uses differential privacy to learn iconic scenes scenes and improve key photo selection for the Memories and Places iOS apps. The blog post mentions using \((\varepsilon,\delta)\)-DP with \(\varepsilon=1\) and \(\delta=1.5\cdot10^{-7}\), but the privacy unit is not specified.
  • Apple and Google's Exposure Notification framework has an analytics component that uses distributed DP. The paper mentions a local \(\varepsilon=8\) and corresponding central values of \(\varepsilon\) depending on how many users participate and on the central \(\delta\) chosen. However, it does not specify the privacy unit, the number of aggregations, nor the minimal number of participating users.
  • Brave uses differential privacy to collect usage analytics using distributed DP. The implementation is public so the privacy parameters could in principle be figured out, but there are not summarized anywhere, and are likely evolving over time.
  • Google mentions using DP in two Google Maps features: the first quantifies how busy public places are during the day, the second which restaurant's dishes are most popular. It does not specify the privacy parameters used nor the exact method used to generate the data.
  • Google's RAPPOR used to collect browsing information in Google Chrome with local DP. It is now deprecated.
  • Google mentions using DP and federated learning to train models to improve text selection and copying on Android. The deployment uses distributed DP, which provides similar guarantees to local DP, with additional assumptions about the adversary (which must be honest-but-curious). The value of \(\varepsilon\) is reported to be "in the hundreds", but not precisely specified; the privacy unit is also not reported.
  • Google mentions training a safety classifier using DP synthetic data; the classifier is then used on mobile devices to control the output of a large language model. Privacy parameters are not reported.
  • LinkedIn mentions using DP for post analytics. The value of \(\varepsilon\) is reported to be "in the hundreds", but not precisely specified; the privacy unit is also not reported.
  • The Internal Revenue Service and the U.S. Department of Education, helped by Tumult Labs, used DP to publish college graduate income summaries. The data was generated using Tumult Analytics and published on the College Scorecard website. The project is outlined in this post, but no specific privacy parameters are given.
  • Microsoft's Assistive AI automatically suggests replies to messages in Office tools. It provides \((\varepsilon,\delta)\)-DP with \(\varepsilon=4\) and \(\delta<10^{-7}\), but does not specify what the privacy unit is.
    • A separate blog post by Microsoft suggests that this choice of \(\varepsilon=4\) is a policy standard across use cases for differentially private machine learning, and applies to the data of each user over a period of 6 months.
  • Microsoft also mentions using DP in Workplace Analytics: this allows managers to see data about their team's interactions with workplace tools. No specific information about privacy parameters is given.
  • Spectus published a dashboard containing DP metrics about mobility trends during Hurricane Irma, and the page suggests that they generated similar datasets for other natural disasters. The whitepaper mentions that OpenDP SmartNoise was used to generate four \(\varepsilon\)-DP metrics for a total \(\varepsilon=10\); the privacy unit is not specified.
  • The U.S. Census Bureau published OnTheMap in 2008: this was the first-ever real-world deployment of DP. It provides statistics on where US workers are employed and where they live. The DP process is described in paper, but I haven't found the privacy parameters published anywhere.

There are (many) other examples of companies and organizations saying they use DP. I only added them here if they point to a specific project or feature.

Finally, many scientific papers report experimental results on real datasets. Most don't mention whether the system was deployed. I did not attempt to list those.

Caveats & comments

Comparing projects

You should not use this list to make broad statements or comparisons about the privacy posture of different organizations. Differential privacy parameters are a very small part of the story, even for these specific projects. How was the data collected? How long is it kept? How sensitive is it? Who has access to the input and output data? Answering these questions is crucial to put each DP deployment and its parameters in context.

In addition, different privacy units also make simple comparisons fairly meaningless. Even across time periods, the semantics are subtle. As an example, consider two DP processes.

  • Process \(A\) uses a privacy unit of user-day with \(\varepsilon_A=0.2\).
  • Process \(B\) uses a privacy unit of user-month with \(\varepsilon_B=3\).

Can we simply multiply \(\varepsilon_A\) by \(30\) to compare it to \(\varepsilon_B\)? Well, not really. The data of a user during a single day is protected by Process \(A\) with \(\varepsilon_A\), which is better than what Process \(B\) can guarantee (at most \(\varepsilon_B\)). But with process \(A\), the data of an entire month is only protected with \(30\varepsilon_A=6\) with Process \(A\), so Process \(B\) has better guarantees. And this is without the possibility of using better privacy accounting methods, to get tighter parameters for the monthly guarantees of Process \(A\).

What's a user?

Many of these projects have user as part of their privacy unit. This can mean slightly different things depending on the project: a device (for telemetry collection), an account (for online services), a household (for smart meter data), and so on. This means that an individual who uses multiple devices or accounts on the same online service might get weaker privacy guarantees. This subtlety is not always made explicit.

Replacement vs. addition/removal

In differential privacy, the definition of the two neighboring datasets can be of two types. Do you change the data of one person? Or do you add or remove a user? This subtlety is also not always explicit, and I've ignored it in the list above.

Zero-concentrated differential privacy

Multiple data releases use zero-concentrated DP to do the privacy budget accounting. Some report guarantees using this definition, others convert the guarantees to \((\varepsilon, \delta)\)-DP in communication materials. To make the comparison easier, I converted all these guarantees to \((\varepsilon,\delta)\)-DP with \(\delta=10^{-5}\); even when the reported \(\delta\) is different.

The conversion was done using the converter on this page, which gives a tighter bound than the frequently-used formula of Proposition 1.3 in this paper. However, this converter is not tight, and better \((\varepsilon,\delta)\)-DP guarantees can sometimes be obtained directly from the details of the mechanism, so the actual \(\varepsilon\) values can be slightly smaller than the ones reported here.

Number precision

I rounded all the numbers to the second decimal point. Most of the equal signs should be understood to be \(\approx\) signs instead.

Thanks to Anthony Caruso, Ashwin Machanavajjhala, Erik Taubenek, Hal Triedman, Kai Yao, Lars Vilhuber, Lorraine Wong, Marc Paré, Osonde Ope Osoba, Peter Kairouz, Philip Leclerc, Rodrigo Racanicci, Sergey Yekhanin, Tancrède Lepoint, and Ziteng Sun for their helpful comments and suggestions.

  1. The project name in the GitHub repository is "Google's differential privacy libraries"; most of the academic literature uses "GoogleDP" to refer to it, so I reuse the abbreviation here. 

All opinions here are my own, not my employer's.   |   Feedback on these posts is very welcome! Please reach out via e-mail (se.niatnofsed@neimad) or Mastodon for comments and suggestions.   |   Interested in deploying formal anonymization methods? My colleagues and I at Tumult Labs can help. Contact me at oi.tlmt@neimad, and let's chat!